
Keeping My Groove-I Have Something For You

The purple ones are mine.

First, I have to thank you for all the feedback and comments on the post about "The Day I Got My Groove Back" The support has been wonderful and it is nice to know I am not alone. A lot of us are trying to get our groove back.

To make sure that my day in the mud was not a one hit wonder, I am keeping my groove alive. It has not been easy but it has been worth every minute and sacrifice.

These past two months I ran a half marathon and finished a sprint Triathalon. They were both great experiences. I wish they weren't over.

After our half marathon.

To commemorate my groove, I am running in the Dirty Dash again, here in Utah on September 22. An anniversary of sorts. That experience is what started it all. It is near and dear to my heart. Hard to believe mud has meaning to me, but it does. It won't be the same without my best friend there too, but she gave me the strength in the first place, and I am thankful for that.


A number of you have mentioned that you are going to run or want to run. Woo Hoo! Sign up. Get involved. You will love what it does for you. We can meet and say hello. You don't have to have any experience. You don't have to be a runner. Just Do It! Do it because it is out of character for you. Do it because you feel like a challenge. Do it because you want to have fun and find yourself.

I am running in the 8:40 wave, but will be there most of the day because our kids have asked if they can run in the kids "piglet plunge".

I keep having this thought that even though we don't know one another in real life, if you are running the Dirty Dash, we should bond, and have something that ties us together. So...

I have a little something for you. It isn't big or fancy, but we can all wear it on that day and know that we are all fighting the same fight, together. Don't worry, it isn't embarrassing. It is actually really cool.

This offer also stands for any one of you. Anyone who is trying to find their groove, missing their groove, or hopes to find their groove again one day. It doesn't matter how you are doing it, or what you are doing to find it, we are all fighting this fight together and we can all support one another.

This offer stands for each and every one of you. So, shoot me an email with your address and I will send you a little something. Even if you just read Family Volley and don't care about your groove. I would love to send you something also. A token of thanks. A little appreciation for following along and supporting.

Email Me!!!

You can email me here. Or click on the email icon at the top of the page, right hand side. Every time you wear "it" I hope you will remember that you are not alone. We are here for one another. I hope you will also remember how grateful I am for you.

Email away. I can't wait to send a little "happy" your way. (I will be so sad to not hear from you.)


  1. Hi Heather, we love your cute blog. We are hosting a Build Your Blog Conference in Salt Lake on Feb. 16, 2013 in Salt Lake. You can find more info on our blog or go to We hope to hear from you! -The Sisters

  2. Hi,
    So my computer is trying to make me set up an old version of Microsoft Outlook or something in order to see your email address(I realize this has nothing to do with you, and it's all me and my old laptop) but is there any way you could email me so I can give you my address? I loved your post about finding your groove and actually just signed up for my first half marathon. AH! Not sure I could ever do a dirty dash thing - the mud would drive me absolutely insane! :)

  3. I also can't find your email. Although I think I have it somewhere. I'd love to get my groove back. It's been a bad few months.

  4. I love this post Heather! I would love to join you in the race. For reals!! Glad you are getting your groove back. I feel like I am finally getting mine back as well...finally!

  5. The Dirty Dash sounds super fun! Have a great time!


Hi Hi! It always makes my day to hear what you have to say. Let's keep this conversation going. Thank you for your comments. Don't want to leave a comment here, email me at