
Family Volley Photo Challenge-Week 15-"Something I Made"

It is a miracle. I am actually getting the Photo Challenge up on the right day? That hasn't happened in weeks. :)

At first I thought I would take a picture of our children. They are something I made, right? But instead I decided to photograph a passion of mine. I don't know if I have mentioned it much on Family Volley, but I love to sew. Really love it. I even dream about it. My love of sewing explains my guilty pleasure.

My mom taught me to sew years ago. Her mom taught her. I remember sewing my first big project when I was twelve. My mom helped me sew a family of teddy bears, and a pillow that included a cross stitch. I can still see my mom and grandma sitting at their machines making and mending. I know that part of the reason I love sewing so much is because my mom and grandmother both sew. I want to be like them.

When I make time to sew, I feel rejuvenated. I have come to realize that when life becomes overwhelming, and I feel out of sorts, if I can take a few minutes to sit at the sewing machine, I am able to pull things back together. Sewing lifts my spirits.  

I made this dishtowel. It is not just any dish towel. With some simple embellishment, it ties onto the oven door, which is where I love to hang my towels. I love the color it adds to the kitchen, and I love that little hands can't run off with it, or pull it to the floor. It is always there when I need it. I already have a few others ready to make so that I can switch them up.

It is fun to watch our daughter dry her little hands. She loves the towel because it "always stays hanging up", and our 10 month old likes to drag her hand on the dishtowel as she races by in her walker. Laughing if it brushes her face.

Looking at it reminds me how good I feel when I slow down and rejuvenate. And how important it is that I teach our girls how to sew. I hope they will love sewing too.

Next Weeks Challenge (April 18) - "Something Old"


  1. I know just how you feel about sitting at the sewing machine. There is something really great about what happens to my psyche when I do. I'm curious how the dishtowel ties onto the bar. Would you consider a tutorial or link me to where you found the instructions? Thanks, Heather!

  2. Suzanne, I would love to do a tutorial. I made it after looking at a towel my neighbor had at her house. I will put one together as I make my next towel. It is really easy!

  3. Beautiful dish towel and I love the description of your children using it..or brushing by it! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  4. Wow! So pretty! My sisters would love this. Stopping from the UBP12 Party!


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