
Family Volley Photo Challenge-Week 12-"Patience"

What does a brush and comb have to do with patience? When you have 3 girls, everything. The one part of my day that requires more patience than any other is when I have to use that comb and brush to get the "snags" out of our 7 year old's hair. It has really taught me to slow down and be patient. Very patient.

When do you have to show patience?

Next Week's Challenge - March 28th - "In My Bag"

1 comment:

  1. Patience? No ideas.

    BUT--for your child's hair I would recommend using a few sprays of the product "It's a 10" to not only condition, but detangle. I have a daughter with the most tender scalp around and waist-length hair. This has saved us from weeping and wailing episodes.


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