
Family Volley Photo Challenge-Week 11-"Favorite Color"

For as long as I can remember, it has been yellow. It has always been yellow. 

Don't get me wrong. There is nothing like a great red shoe or the perfect navy skirt. I am drawn to pink because we have three girls, and my husband looks great in greens and browns. As hard as I have tried to have a new favorite, I always go back to yellow.

Yellow and white are a match made in heaven. I can't resist when they are together. Yellow is happy. White makes yellow happier. Yellow is sunshine and warmth and reminds me of my childhood. Memories of growing up are happy, sunshiny, and warm. Even love to me is yellow.

This is the centerpiece on a small child size table at my parent's house. My mom keeps it decorated for each holiday. My grandpa made it when I was little. I used to sit at the table with my mom and play. Now my mom sits with our kids at the same table and plays with them. There are tea-parties, art projects, picnic lunches, make believe, and lots of loves and laughs. The yellow and white pieces belong to the battleship game. Our daughter likes them better in the vase. So do I. 

What is your favorite color?

Next Weeks Photo Challenge - "Patience"


  1. I had never been drawn so much to yellow until I moved to a region with four seasons. After the long and grey winters, the first sign of life and hope for the new season came with the appearance of daffodils. Bright yellow daffodils. I almost shot daffodils for my favorite color. :-) Patience, next week. I better get thinking.

    1. Suzanne, what is a beautiful sentiment. I can relate. The first sign of life for us are yellow daffodils also. Watching them fight to push through the frozen soil always gives me strength. Not to mention their yellow color that bringings warm sunshine while waiting for winter to turn to Spring.

      Patience could be the most trying part of family life. It is a challenge to have patience, let alone take a picture of patience.

  2. Lesliesholly, that is exactly how I feel, "Like the sun shining indoors". Everything about yellow is happy.

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