
TV Debut-Thanksgiving Traditions-Why I Have Been MIA

I feel like I have been Missing in Action.

Why? Well, on Monday I had a fun opportunity to be on Studio 5, here in Utah. I shared some Thanksgiving Traditions that encourage gratitude. It was a blast, but, there was a lot of preparation. Hence being MIA. Any spare time was spent prepping and planning.

Not bad for my first shot at live TV. Although there were a few things I didn't get to say, but that is how TV works. You role with it.

Give it a watch. Tell me what you think. Tis the season of Gratitude and the video will give you some great ideas just in time for your Thanksgiving Dinner. Especially the "Gratitude Rolls".

p.s. Watch the Studio 5 video and you can see the headband trick in action. The video is working again, with no charges. I wrapped it very tight, tighter than usual, but still loved the way it turned out. Here is how it looked last time I took pictures for you.


  1. Wow, it was you! Thank you for the great ideas. I think I have just the right amount of time to run out and get a tablecloth. I'm grateful that every time one of your posts pops up in my reader, I walk away with a nugget that I can use in my family life. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. What great ideas! Love the roll idea! So clever and fun! And your hair looks WAY cute! I haven't been able to try it yet because I got my hair cut too short and it would become a big poof ball, but I'm still planning on it... eventually... :)

  3. Love the ideas! I need to start a gratitude journal for our family. I tried the headband trick, but must not have done it right because my hair was really curly at the top and not curly at all on the bottom. I did get a nice imprint of the headband on my forehead. Not quite the look I was going for though.

  4. Suzanne,
    Thanks so much for your comment. You will love the tablecloth tradition. And...I didn't get a chance to say this on tv, but if you don't want to stitch the hands in, just use fabric markers and trace the hands on, and then write names, what each person is thankful for, and the year with the markers. My favorite are the Faber castle fabric markers. They don't have to be heat set which is great. Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. (oh, either way, use a disappearing fabric marker to trace the hands first, so that wiggle fingers don't ruin your tablecloth. just be sure it is a pen that fades with water. If it disappears on its own, it might be gone before you have a chance to stitch, or trace. That would be bad. haha)

  5. Thanks Allen Family. The rolls are really fun. You can bake the notes in any rolls, they don't have to be crescent rolls. The family will love the tradition. And,..thanks for the hair comment. I wrapped a little tight, afraid it wouldn't be curly enough, it was though. :). When your hair gets a little longer, you will have to give it a try. It is a great trick. Happy thanksgiving.

  6. Jennifer, gratitude journals are really powerful. The benefits are big, for individuals and families. Plus, they are fun. I had to laugh out loud about the mark on your forehead, Not really what you were looking for. :) It sounds like you need to wrap and then pull the piece you just wrapped forward each time before you wrap again. If the ends weren't curled, they didn't get wrapped around the headband enough. And...maybe a little looser headband. :)Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. When I find a looser headband, I will try again. :) And I love your tablecloth idea also, but wasn't sure about all the stitching. The fabric markers are a great alternative. I'll have to add that to my list of things to do.

  8. This is very Amazing and Very Informative Artical we get alot of Informations from this artical we really appreciate your team work keep it up and keep posting such a informative articles


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