
Merry Fluffy Christmas: GIVEAWAY! $75.00 Amazon Giftcard


Happy Holidays. Tis the Season to give, and to win. 

75.00 Gift Certificate to

Perfect for all your cloth diapering need. Or anything else you want or need this holiday season. 

Here's how to enter: READ THROUGH THE REQUIRED AND EXTRA ENTRIES FIRST. THEN....Fill out the quick and easy form here on my blogScroll down to find it at the bottom of the post. I'll put all the entries into a spreadsheet and use to select the winner. Good Luck!

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Rules are Simple
  • You will have until 11:59pm EST on December 5th to enter in our prize package below.
  • There will only be ONE winner for each participating blog.
  • Please remember to read ALL instructions on each blog, as each blog’s entry methods are different.
  • And don’t forget to visit ALL OF THE PARTICIPATING BLOGS for more prize packages to win! 
  • NO Purchase necessary, giveaway open to US and Canada.


  1. I love all of the family get togethers!

  2. I love everything about the holidays! The music, the food, the lights and decorations, the parties and especially the feeling of love and togetherness it brings. The crowning point of my decorating is setting up my nativity collection and placing the baby Jesus in the center, right where He should be!

  3. I love being with family ..and lights.

  4. I love being with family..and lights

  5. I enjoy being with family and doing traditional things like going to see the lights and making cookies!

  6. I love all the little traditions that both of us have brought to our marriage. Now we have passed them onto our toddlers.

    I also love the womens candy night that we do. Most of the females on my mom's side come and each of us brings a different treat to make and share...yum!

  7. I love the magical feeling in the air. And I love seeing the excitement on my kids' faces on Christmas morning. And I love playing chimes on Christmas Eve (that's our family tradition). I also love finding opportunities for our family to do service together. :) Christmas rocks.

  8. I love focusing on Christ and his birth and teaching my kids about it. He is after all the reason for the season!

  9. I love the holiday season for the magic that is in the air...everything just seem so much better! I love to teach my boys about Jesus and having our family focus on him so much more, since He is what Christmas is all about. I just love everything about this time of year.

  10. I love the music! The really good music- not the fluffy "Christmas" music. (Ex- Grandma got run over by a reindeer- no thank you.)

  11. I'm not going to lie, I love the food. And the people I share the food with. It's all so magical!

  12. I love the way family is connected during this time. It is unlike any other time of the year. I love the parties, the presents, but especially the time we make for each other.

  13. I love the holidays! My favorite things are probably the smells (cinnamon) and the music.
    ps I was in your family recreation class at BYU! I am so glad I can continue learning from you, even through the web. Thanks for all of your wonderful advice. -Rachel V.

  14. I love the crazy shopping kickoff known as Black Friday. And I like wrapping the presents I bought before Black Friday!!

  15. I love seeing happiness when that special gift is opened

  16. I love how excited my kids (and others) get... from the lights, the snow, seeing family, carols, treats, presents and more. And everyone is generally merrier.

  17. I love just spending time with family and getting to visit and eat. :)

  18. I love looking at a decorated tree in my living room - so magical!

  19. I love all the traditions! I love passing on the traditions that started when I was a little girl and I love starting new traditions with my husband and sons!

  20. I love everything about Christmas especially decorating!

  21. I love all the good food! Probably a little too much ;)

  22. I love the smells and flavors of the holidays. Cinammon, pine, vanilla. Hmmm.

  23. I love baking cookies and teaching the kids about Jesus.

  24. I love the holidays because of seeing family and friends.

  25. I love all the joy and love that so many people have this time of year. I also love the snow when it has just fallen and everything is still.

  26. I love just spending time with family - immediate and extended. That's what matters most...the kids LOVE reading and acting out the Christmas story just like my siblings and I did. And I love to watch them. THey are so sweet. .(....and if we get some game playing, yummy baking and Christmas movie-watching done in there too, that's perfect.) :)

  27. I love being with family and friends during the holidays. I love feeling the magic!

  28. I love the time I get to spend with my family at Christmas. It's also really fun to buy and give presents to everyone!!!

    Jodi J

  29. I love the lights, and the food, and the family time. :)
    mary michaud

  30. i love creating traditions with my new family!

  31. What I love best about the holidays is spending time with my family. I also LOVE the food ;)

  32. I love the Christmas music. :)

    -Daily Mothering

  33. It's hard to pin down my favourite thing about Christmas and the holidays, but the general festive spirit in the air has to be at the top of the list. Spending time with family, Christmas music and decorations, Goodwill toward it all!

  34. I love getting together with family and eating lots of yummy food! I'm also looking forward to Christmas mornings as my LO gets older and making new traditions with her!

  35. I love the family traditions and seeing people. We always mention getting together more than just at Christmas, but it never happens, maybe this year will be the year.

  36. im looking forward to staring our own holiday traditions now that we have our ds and making memories for our own family

  37. I love the holidays because it seems to make everyone so happy! It's very uplifting!

  38. I have 3 kids, but I started using cloth diapers only with my 3rd. I absolutely love it, I wish I had started with the other 2!

  39. I love the holidays because I get to spend so much time with my wonderful family!
    glass.stephanie at gmail dot com
    stephanie gaffney

  40. The best part of the holiday season is spending time my extended family. And cookies. I love cookies!

  41. I love Christmas mass, caroling, and spending time with my family :)

    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  42. I enjoy spending time with my family in our PJs!

  43. My favorite things:

    *Baking day (all of the girls in our family get together and make about 20 dozen different cookies!) and then we eat them and give them away!

    *Christmas music!

    *Black Friday madness (not even the products just the rush of shopping in the wee hours!)

    *Giving stuff to others, like doing Angel Tree. I love that program!

  44. I love spending extra time with family and getting to make food for guests. I don't like dishes though.

  45. Beng with my family is what I love about the Holiday Season.

  46. I love the holidays becauseI get to spend extra time with my family and seeing my childrens face on Christmas morning is PRICELESS! :)

    gomez6281 at gmail dot com

  47. I love how excited my daughter gets about the decorations and cookie baking (and eating!)

  48. I love the holiday season because it means extra time with family

  49. I love connecting with family and friends, telling stories, hanging out, just making time for each other!

  50. I love the spirit of the Holidays. Most people are just a little bit nicer, the food is better, the warmth seems warmer...It just gives me the warm fuzzies inside!

  51. I love the time to slow down and focus on the things that matter most: my family and my Lord.

  52. I love the colors, the lights, and the activities. I love teaching my boys about Christ's birth.

  53. My favorite thing about the Holidays is being with family.

  54. I love spending it with my husband and daughter.

  55. I love giving! Seeing the cheer it brings makes me happy :)
    Jessi Greenmamajama

  56. I love the Christmas music! I love the lights. I love the magic that children feel at this time of year, and that everyone feels. I love thinking about how we recieved the greatest gift of all that very first Christmas: Our Savior. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! :)

  57. I love the Christmas Spirit and the decorations!

    alsatia23 at hotmail dot com

  58. spending time with my family!

    dakotaring at yahoo dot com

  59. I love spending time with family and setting up the real Christmas Tree!

  60. I love the giving part-knowing I am making people happy! ashleyziemer AT gmail DOT com

  61. I love all the extra time I get to spend with my extended family!

  62. I love the holiday season because it brings us closer to family and helps us think about the true meaning of Christmas. And I love giving gifts that make people happy!

  63. love spending time with family and friends, yummy food and gifts!

  64. i just love the traditions. i'm such an old fashioned kind of girl and the fact that my mom has passed traditions on to me from her childhood, i just love that

  65. I love the decorations everywhere: in my house, my friends houses, around town... it is all so joyful.

  66. My absolute favorite thing about the holidays is all of the extra family time we spend together. We should definitely try harder throughout the year to do this more.

  67. I love being a Mommy during the holidays. :) It's much more fun.

  68. It's hard to say what I love best. The music, goodies, giving gifts, learning about the Savior's birth and life, time with family, and that's not in any particular order of course.

  69. I love being with family and singing Christmas songs!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I love decorating and spending time with family during the holidays!

    Sorry for the extra comments, it's been a long day!

  73. We are a military family and I love traveling to spend time with our family that live 2000 miles away.

  74. My favorite things about the holidays is time with family, finding the perfect gifts, and great food!

  75. I love getting to see my family all together. I miss them so much because we don't get to see them over the 11 months in between. The holidays are a time to catch up and enjoy each other's company!

  76. I love being with my family, snuggling together, and we love to drive around and check out all of the cool Christmas lights.

    debbie m
    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  77. I like the holiday season because it is a great opportunity to show others that Jesus truly is the reason for this season.

  78. My favorite thing about the holidays is being with family and giving to others.


  79. Music, decorations, food and visiting family! -Sharon M

  80. I love getting together with family, the food, the music and my in-laws annual cookie making day!

  81. My favorite thing about the holiday is being with family. I also love the baking that goes into the holidays.

  82. I love our family traditions around the holidays.. I can't wait to share them with my son as he grows up!

  83. I love having an excuse to bake and share with family, friends and coworkers

  84. The family dinners, the music, the general atmosphere.

  85. My favorite thing about the holidays is having fun with the family!
    sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com

  86. i love the smells!!!! pine trees, fireplaces, baking, cinnamon, ect... i love the feeling of the great smells! it's very nostalgic...

    kari meeker
    karilynaley at yahoo

  87. the music, the movies, time off, and spending time with family - (emscout9 at Hotmail dot com)

  88. I follow via google friend connect. Thank you!!

  89. I love spending the time with friends and family. I also love just being able to see my kids eyes light up at all the magic

  90. My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing the joy in my children's faces.

  91. I love all the get togethers and decorating and making cookies and candies.

  92. I love the wonder in my daughter's eyes at the magic of Christmas.

  93. I love being together with family!

  94. Love spending more time with my family and friends!

  95. I love the traditions of the season. Everybody has them and they can change from generation to generation and we combine them as families join together. But every year I love to see what everyone else does for the holidays and even incorporate other traditions into my families.

  96. I love all the extra time we get to spend with the family.

  97. i love spending time with my friends and family!
    heatheranya at hotmail dot com

  98. I love the look on my kids' faces, the decorations, the family time, the scents of Christmas! :)

  99. I love baking cookies with my family!

  100. my favorite thing about the holidays is all the time with family!

  101. I love being with family, especially now that we're half a continent away!

  102. I love the decoration and spending time with family.

  103. LOVE the Christmas music and real tree pine smell in the house! :)

    venturesofsahm at yahoo dot com

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