
Hello to the SITSahood!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled FAMILY FUN FRIDAY for a very important announcement. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I hope you will take a look around. There is lots to see.

Around here we are helpful, funny, and fantastic. Whether it's parenting, relationships, motherhood, you name it, we chat about it. And, it's all in the name of love

You can find great advice for your families under the ADVICE label in the right side bar.

You can find tons of great unique activities for your families, big or small, old or young, under the FAMILY FUN FRIDAY label.

If you have a question about something specific, check the label line up or click here to leave me any questions you would like answered. 

I am so excited to meet all of you. 
Don't forget to say hello. 

Interested in more from Family Volley? Subscribe, Follow, Like, Tweet, or Email. It is all in the right side bar. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and a Happy Mother's Day. 

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Hello, I know your blog in this moment, I'm a spanish mom of two girls at 2 years old. I think your blog is very interesting, but I don't understand soo much english, please you can put a translate? thank you very much, and have a nice day!

  2. Visiting from SITS, congrats on your feature day! I have been enjoying exploring your blog.

  3. Happy SITS Day!

    I need to go get ready for work, but look forward to coming back to check around later. I'm still giggling over "Once Busty" :)

  4. Going in my Favorites! Thank you for sharing your advice and experiences with us. : )

  5. congratulations on your SITS day :)

  6. Congrats on your SITS Day. I think you're someone i can really learn from in terms of how handle certain parenting issues. It's always nice to hear from an expert. Looking forward to browsing your advice section.

  7. Happy SITS day! I wish I'd had blogs like this and the internet as a resource when my kids were little.

  8. Happy SITS day. And congrats about Baby No. 4.


  9. Happy SITS Day! Baby #4- WooHoo! Congratulations. Enjoy your day.

  10. Hi! So glad to have found your blog through SITS. How exciting that #4 is on the way. Wow! I'm looking forward to reading more of your advice on family dynamics. Love the concept of the Family Fun Friday series too, and I seriously LOVE the sweet sushi project. Can't wait to try it.
    Happy SITS day and happy mother's day to you too!

  11. Happy SITS Day!!

    I can't wait to follow your blog and soak in your words of wisdom. Your family is beautiful. Congratulations on the new addition on the way. :)

  12. Happy SITS Day to you!

    Enjoy your Mother's Day :)

  13. Happy SITS day! Congratulations on your special day and thanks for sharing your wonderful (and quite helpful) blog with us.

  14. Happy Friday and Happy SITS day! Thank you for making valuable information available.

  15. Happy SITS day! =) Have a great mother's day too!!

  16. Hurray for YOUR SITS day!!!!
    I am sooo glad they featured you as we NEED to have more of these real relationship and family development teaching tools in our world. You are a true blessing...

  17. Congrats on your SITS day! It's SUCH a fun day!! I don't see your "Family Fun Friday" tab, though, and I'd love to check it out! My daughter is 11 months, so we're looking for stuff with a young'en!

  18. Wanted to stop by to wish you a very happy SITS day!!! Hope you are showered with praise and adoration today and that you enjoy your day in the spotlight :) Also wanted to wish you the best of luck with baby #4--that's so exciting!

    This is a wonderful resource you are providing :)

  19. Glad I'm stopping by for your SITS day! And I decided to follow considering I have a little one and I love all the help I can get! :)

  20. Congrats on your SITS day and 4th! child. I'm number 4 of 4 and the only girl. My mom told my dad I was absolutely the last one but then said she wished I was twins so I would have a sister :-)

    I am an "experienced" mom of two teenagers who could have used your advice while I was screwing them up for life all these years :-) Seriously, great of you to share so much good info - we all need to be put back on the right track every now and then. It takes a village to raise a child and keep the family sane.

  21. Congrats on your SITS day in the Spotlight! And your 4th baby! I miss babies. I think I would rather teach college students how to have successful families than how to write successful essays. Less labor intensive (get the pun???)

  22. Happy SITS Day!! I am so excited to find your blog!! Can't wait to explore and see what kind of advice you have for families:-) Congrats on your almost family of 6. We have 4 children too and I absolutely LOVE it!! It is super busy but so much fun. Mine are all boys and I enjoy almost every moment:-)


  23. Happy SITS day!! You have such a cute blog, and an adorable family!!

  24. Happy SITS Day! Looks like you have a great blog here! Your family and students are blessed to have you!

  25. Happy SITS day! And congratulations on your upcoming addition! Can't wait to see the whole gang!

  26. Happy SITS Day! And a new's a good day!

  27. Great blog, interesting topics! Congratulations on the newest baby.

  28. Happy SITS day!! Love your family activities and I like how you present information very clearly and conversationally!

  29. Big congrats on your SITS Day! I'm loving everything I've read so far!

  30. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  31. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it is everything you've been wishing for.

  32. Heather! Great to meet you and your family! I really like the profile photo of you in the sidebar. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! :D

  33. bravo! happy sits day and lovely, wonderful blog!! Such a great find:D

  34. Congrats on your SITS Day. I hope it's been great. I love your article about Christmas traditions. So true and such a struggle. We're dealing with our married children developing their own traditions and trying to satisfy the need to spend time with both families. It's tough.

  35. So glad to meet you through SITS. Congrats on your SITS day. Your family is so beautiful; can't wait to get to know you more through your writing.

  36. Happy SITS day! Off to check out some of your posts.

  37. Hope you have had a great SITS Day! Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day!

  38. Happy SITS Day!

    And Happy Mother's Day too!


    Have a great Mother's Day weekend!

  40. Congratulations on your big SITS day! I'm bookmarking your blog. THere's so much to see!
    Have a great day!

    Happy Mother's day!

  41. Happy SITS day...heck, Happy Mother's Day (tomorrow). Lov'n the Peep S'mores (down there!) They look yummy! What a great idea!

  42. Happy SITS day to you! :) Hope you are enjoying the spotlight.

  43. Congrats on your SITS Day!!!! and Happy Mother's Day! May your day be filled with sunshine, rainbows and love...which I'm sure it already is! :)

  44. Congrats on your day! Lovely blog. Be well.

  45. Happy Mother's Day to you. Thank you for your wonderful advices... always a joy to read your blog!

  46. Sorry I'm a little late getting here. Happy SITS day. I enjoyed my visit to your blog and I'm following oyu now. I look forward to future visits. I hope your Mothers day was a great one. Hugs!

  47. I'm late, but I hope you had a wonderful SITS day!


Hi Hi! It always makes my day to hear what you have to say. Let's keep this conversation going. Thank you for your comments. Don't want to leave a comment here, email me at