
Breakfast Love-A Tutorial

Valentine Pancakes
Love on a Plate

Love Abounds. Add some extra love to your family's breakfast and send them off for the day with a little something special on their plates and in their stomachs.

We try to have hot breakfasts a few times a week. Pancakes is a favorite. (We have them for dinner sometimes too. :)) We use this trick for Birthday breakfasts, you can use it for all holidays. If you really want to be sneaky, put the pancakes on the plates with the message down and have your kids flip them to discover the surprise. 

OR...Make them for your significant other, Put a letter or two in each pancake and "serve" him a lovey message. 

You already have everything you need right in your pantry.

Make your favorite pancakes. We are Bisquick fans in our house. From scratch works great also.

 Take about 1/3 of your batter and put it in a separate bowl. Add RED FOOD COLORING. 

Fill a pipping bag, or ziplock bag, or squeeze bottle with the red batter. The smoother the batter, the better. Lumps will get stuck as you pipe. 

Get your pan ready and use the pipping bag to pipe your first message. I went with XO.
Be sure if you are doing a word like LOVE, that you pipe it backwards, so it will be rightwards when you eat it. 

 Once the RED message starts to cook, pour the white batter right over the top.

The possibilities are endless, any design will work. 

Flip the pancake and get ready for the fun. 

Add your favorite syrup and enjoy.

I used the leftover red and pipped a Red heart. If you want, you could color all your batter red and serve RED HEART pancakes on LOVE DAY.

How do you celebrate the DAY OF LOVE?


  1. It is really easy. A great way to make the day really special without spending extra money or time. Take some pictures. I would love to see how they turn out.

  2. So cute! I almost didn't read the post because I thought it was jam or something else my oldest daughter will not eat. But this I think she will go for. You have so many fun ideas on your blog - thanks for sharing!

  3. Jennifer,
    I am so glad you kept reading. I hope your daughter likes the pancakes.

  4. Awesome Idea for Valentine's Day breakfast. My girls and my Big Guy would love this.THanks for sharing.Stopping by from the mafia:)


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