
We Have A Winner!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was so busy that I am delirious with exhaustion.
To avoid a repeat, I am calling it an early night.

Before I do, the WINNER of the CSN $50 giveaway is...

Alicen who said... I follow your blog. (

Contact me so you can start shopping. 

I have to tell you. We were sitting in church today, it was almost 4pm. My husband and I were giving it all we had to stay awake. You know how those days go. 

We opened the hymn book to sing the closing song and found a piece of paper so old and worn that it was like cloth.

It read...."It seems to me the following should be avoided on the Sabbath: Overworking and staying up late Saturday so that you are exhausted the next day. -President Ezra Taft Bensen

We laughed through the entire closing song. There was great irony in the find. We think we should admonish the counsel. 

Happy Monday!


Family Volley

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1 comment:

  1. ahahaha i love that you found that quote in the hymn book. that's awesome! great quote, too!


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