
One Year Older and Wiser Too - Including an ice cream cone tutorial

Today was our daughters 2nd Birthday.

It was bitter sweet. One hour I was happy. The next I was sad. Must she grow up so fast?

I feel like we just had her. 

She was born at exactly 37 weeks and was a small little thing. 4 pounds 13 ounces, and perfect in every way. No problems or complications, just little. We brought her home two days after she was born and she hasn't stop growing since. 

She is always happy and is a perfect mix between her brother and sister. We are a better family because of her. 

We had a simple celebration.

And then it was time for cake disguised as ice cream.

These are really easy to make and lots of fun. 

You will need...

Box Cake Mix
Cake Cones

1. Heat your oven to 350. Place 18 paper baking cups in a regular size muffin tin. Place mini paper baking cups in each of 18 mini muffin cups. I didn't have any mini muffin papers so I just sprayed my pan with non stick spray. It worked great.
2. Make the cake mix as directed on the box. Spoon batter evenly into the regular and mini muffin cups. About 2/3 full.
3. Bake your regular cupcakes for about 17 minutes. Bake your mini cupcakes for about 11, or until they are done. Remove them from the pans and let them cool completely.
4. Once they are cool it is time to assemble. Take one regular cupcake, mini cupcake, and an ice cream cone. 

5. Unwrap the regular cupcake and frost the top, just like a normal cupcake. You can use homemade frosting (my favorite) or store bought.

6. Turn the frosted cupcake UPSIDE DOWN and place it on top of the ice cream cone. 

7. Then frost the top of the regular cupcake, which is really the bottom.

8. Now put the mini cupcake, right way up, on top of the upside down regular cupcake. 

9. Next, frost the whole thing. Don't forget the little swirl on top so it looks like it came out of a soft serve ice cream machine. 

10. Lastly, sprinkles. 

And there you have it. Ice cream cones that don't melt. The best part, the cake has it's own built in bowl and you don't need forks.

Happy Birthday to our sweet little girl.



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  3. my baby is turning one the beginning of october. i swear I just had him and he should NOT be this old yet. I AM DREADING IT, I just want him to stay like this forever. he really is such a perfect babe too. TEARS!

    Although, I think I may try those cupcake icecream cones!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Tales from Tammylyne :)
    I am a new follower and must say those ice cream cones look DE-Lish!

  5. What a cute idea.
    I have a hard time with my kids growing up! Although they do get funner each year. It's just going way too fast. I keep telling them to stop already!

  6. oh my goodness! it kills me that my kids are growing up! we love that they are learning new things and becoming more independent, but STOP ALREADY! ;)
    Also, when I was younger, my mom used to make the same icecream cake cones. I didn't like them. She made them by baking the cake IN the cones and therefore making the cones soggy..blech! Your way is MUCH better, must try!

  7. Great idea. I love how much it looks like ice cream but no melting! My sister made something similar but hers were microphones. She put m&m's in the bottom of her cones so they wouldn't be so top heavy. What a lucky little gal.


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