
A Confession

I must confess. It is 2:45 am and I just got back from the movies. Can you guess which one? It is a long and painful story. It was painful while I was there, and it will be MORE painful in three hours when I have to get up. I will defend, explain, justify, tell you about it when I regain my senses.


Family Volley


  1. Not this time, but I will admit attending the midnight screening last year. It's fun. Anyone must admit, a midnight screening is fun.

  2. ooohhh, I am so jealous. I am seeing it next week with a bunch of my mom friends. But if I could have convinced my hubby I might have seen it last night. We did see one of the Harry Potters at midnight, it was a blast!!

  3. I was there. And I really loved it. seeing almost 3 am hasn't happened in a LONG time. I like my sleep. (So much so that I tried to sell my tickets last minute because I was worried about my sleep deprivation...I am glad ended up keeping my ticket in the end.) Hopefully I can remember not to take my exhaustion out on my kids. I would call it a successful day if I survive :)
    And no more of this midnight showing business...until Harry Potter comes out in the fall!

  4. I did opening day of the first five Harry Potter's, but I couldn't get into the Twilight movies.

  5. I went to a prescreening at 7:00. So I was home and in bed by 11:00pm It was an awesome movie!

  6. Luckily I got into the 8:40 showing so I didn't have to stay up that late. I just can't do it with an infant and two other kids that get up at 6 am. What did you think? I blogged about it today, I liked it but there were a few things missing that made me sad.

  7. Our group left at 8pm to go out to dinner first. It was a great movie (much better than the first two). I loved being mixed in with an excited crowd. And while it was tough getting up 4 hours after going to bed, shaking up my routine and doing something fun was worth it!! I'm glad I went.

  8. I am so glad I was not alone. I go with a group of friends, 7 others. We are not die hard fans by any means, but tradition wins out and we go every time. We have connections to a theatre and assigned seats so we don't have to stand in line or wait. The 12 kills me. This morning I had a 7 o'clock meeting and had to leave at 6:30. Tired does not begin to come close.

    It's not so much the movie that is the best part. It is being with dear friends. And laughing, a lot.

    Thanks for making me feel better about being a 30 something mother of 3 that stayed up for the movie.

  9. I am a little jealous. I'll probably just end up watching it on redbox with my hubby when it comes out! He has seen the other two with me and they've been entertaining...shhh don't tell the other guys.

  10. I totally held out on watching this one. I wasn't even planning on seeing it, but my mom and my sister talked me into it last night and I really really enjoyed it! It was much better than I thought it would be.
    I'm impressed you are a professor at BYU! I am a huge BYU football fan, my parents and my sister both went there, my grandpa was a professor there and my sister's father in law is a professor there. I guess you could say we are very pro BYU!
    I'm excited I found your blog!


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