
And the Winner Is....

The winner of the $50.00 dollar gift certificate to any CSN store is,

Amanda who said...."I would choose many things out of the Bakeware section, especially a nice cake stand that can turn into an heirloom piece."

Woo Hoo Amanda! Congratulations! Please email me so you can start spending.

Thank you everyone for entering. Family Volley loves giveaways. I had so much fun with this one, we are going to have them more frequently. Because they are fun, and because I think you are all wonderful. 

What would you like to win on Family Volley?
Leave me a comment telling me what products or shops you love? We will see what we can do to make you a winner. 
Do you have a product or shop you would like to see featured on FamilyVolley? Email or leave me a comment with your contact information. There is nothing better than featuring supportive readers.


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