
Sarah Jane Studios Giveaway

Giveaway: $50 dollars in Shop Credit to Sarah Jane Studios,
AND a special offer for all CJane readers. For the next week only, CJane readers get a FREE CARD of choice when they mention CJane in their order. 

It is very fitting that we start this party with Sarah Jane Studios. She is the designer behind that beautiful CJane Soiree invitation that I just can't stop staring at. Her ability to make words and ideas into something visual is, well, amazing.

Sarah Jane is an artist and mother of 3 small children. She loves to create designs that remind us of childhood. Her shop was created in an effort to create art that she wasn't seeing in the stores. Her work reflects the vintage storybook feel, but with fresh color and modern design. You can buy her children's wall art and paper goods directly through her etsy shop. Sarah jane also has a career in illustrating children's books, and has illustrated the book FULL OF LIFE and is currently illustrating the children's picture book CHRISTMAS GOODNIGHT which will release in Fall 2011. You can also follow her on her blog where she documents her life as a wife and mother of 3.
I personally can't wait for her new Retro Line.

CJane will also receive $50 dollars in Shop Credit to Sarah Jane Studios.

Required Entry:
Visit Sarah Jane Studios and tell me what print makes you nostalgic for your childhood days.

Extra EntriesWant more chances to win? Leave additional comments telling me if you do any or all of the following.
Become a follower of Family Volley (click "follow" in the top left hand corner of the page)
Follow Sarah Jane on Twitter
Leave me a question on Dear Family Volley.

A winner will be chosen at random. Comments will close at midnight on Wednesday April 7. 

All gifts to CJane and giveaways have been generously donated by each company or business. I have not personally received any product, or compensation of any sort for any of the giveaways or gifts.


  1. Definitely the girl reading! Oh my, what a lovely print! And how much it reminds me of my childhood...and makes me long for the days I could sit w/ a book all day again. :-)

  2. Beautiful prints over at Sarah Jane! I need the Little artist print for my middle daughter, who loves to color and draw and create. And I also need the read with me pink.blond for my oldest daughter, who is just learning to read. And for my baby, the just stay little girl print. Love these!

  3. I can't figure out how to become a follower--does subscribing to your RSS feed work? :)

  4. The "I love my Brother" totally reminds me of me and my little brother and our childhood snuggle time.

  5. I love love love the print "this much"! so fun!

  6. The paper dolls- I used to play with those for hours with my sisters.

  7. I've admired her work for a long time. The print featured in this post is perfect for my boy. Then again, so is the one with the giraffe and the little boy.

  8. "Hello bird" reminds me of my childhood love of birds, of pet parakeets and cockatiels and rescued bluejays and adopted doves and the jaunty robins singing at my window.

  9. The three bears revisited--girl chairs - that reminds me of my grandparent's house!! Love it. :D

  10. I like "Mon Petit Lapin" in green. It reminds me of the velveteen rabbit and makes me wistful.

  11. i like Le Balloon print- not necessarily a memory from my childhood, but a current happening in our house. my little guy is obsessed with balloons!

  12. "Summer Tea Party" is so sweet!

  13. I have always wanted a cute family tree--hers is so much better than the one I tried to draw myself when I was little...

  14. "June's White Dandelion" WOW! I love illustrations with a vintage look. These are beautiful. My daughter will be as beautiful as June someday!

  15. The "Three Bears Revisited--Girls chairs" makes me nostalgic. I loved the 3 bears!!! :) and the chairs are oooober cute!!

  16. I love the "tea party" prints and the monthly prints-- "april showers" and "may flowers". So darling.

  17. "Snuggle Me" brought a tear to my eye. Love it!

  18. I love the "Just Right" image from the three bears!

  19. "Summer Tea Party" reminds me of my grandparents's backyard and all the time my sisters and I spent imagining there.

  20. Addie & Ella play tea lil blondies will love this in their room :o) sweet prints..also love Oh Happy Day.

  21. i have a friend who would LOVE the elephant illustrations. they are so adorable

  22. Read with me pink makes me remember the days of reading all day long as a child. Not so easy to do now that I have 4 children.

  23. I love "Le Balloon" but I cannot WAIT for her retro line.

  24. April Showers reminded me the most of my childhood. I think it reminds me of Holly Hobby!

  25. All of her stuff is SO GORGEOUS but I love the tea party post cards them most. Being an only child I had A LOT of tea parties with my dolls.

  26. Definitely, Read With Me - love it!

  27. I also follow you on Twitter

  28. "Grace" reminds me of my daughter... such beautiful work!

  29. My favourite nostalgic print is april showers

  30. Little Visitor, because really it sums up my love for all God's creatures which started in childhood :)

  31. I love Sarah Jane's work!
    The print that makes me nostalgic is OH Happy Day-Fine art print!

  32. I love the April Showers print. I always did love this time of year.

  33. I love "Read With Me" in Green. I love to read, and so do my little toddlers, and this would be awesome to have in my kids' room.

  34. The card with the dress on the hanger reminds me of happy days playing with paper dolls. Great site.


  35. The "read with me" prints are so my childhood - it is all I did!! Love her work :)

  36. The elephants and giraffe prints remind me of childhood because, as a family, we held annual memberships to the zoo. We went often and my parents had many prints of wild animals in our home.

  37. I follow Sarah Jane on Twitter

  38. I have always loved the Read with Me print.

  39. The girl looking out the window at the bird--reminds me of bird watching with my Nanny and Poppy!

  40. "April" from Her Month By Month reminds me of my youth :-)

  41. Just Stay Little girl print. My little girl's youth. Time flies....

  42. storytime is my it.

  43. Sarah Jane is actually already all over my daughter's nursery, but I'd love to add one of her personalized family trees to it!

  44. the little girl reading was totally me back in the day - now three little hooligans hardly let me sit still. :)


  45. Oh, the "Read with Me" print definitely feels like my childhood.

  46. I love Grace and the family trees. Grace would be perfect for my daughter's wall, and it has Mummy's love of geisha. :)

  47. The paper dolls--my sister and I used to dress them up when we were little.

  48. The "Just Stay Little" card is my favorite. Our babies grow up too quickly...

  49. I have always loved the "tea party" print. It reminds me of my own childhood.

  50. Little Artist. I was always drawing every white page I found.

  51. How have I never discovered this artist? Oh my...I MUST have the "J'aime ma maman" elephants. MUST.

  52. The Love You giraffes are precious, and the little girl at the tea party takes me back to my youth.

  53. "Oh Happy Day" and "This Much" both make me want to be 7 years old again, pulling my red wagon and playing with sidewalk chalk.

  54. I love those paper dolls. I played with paper dolls all the time when I was a child.


  55. "Read With Me - Green" brings back memories. I'm still often found glued to a favorite story. A close friend just had her first baby girl last week - this would make the most meaningful present!

  56. Oh Happy Day would have to be my favorite. It reminds me of preschool where we had weekly parades.

  57. I love all the prints at Sarah Jane Studios, specially the "Oh Happy Day Fine Art Print"

  58. "Read with Me" makes me remember my childhood days fondly. :) Thank you.

  59. Read with me - but all of them make me smile.

  60. Congratulations on the bebe cjane!!! I really love the "mon petit lapin" print. I didn't have a little bunny, but I did have a favorite bear aptly named "Teddy" that I had with me almost every moment of my childhood.

  61. The Little Artist in pink reminds me how I spent many afternoons. Thanks!

  62. The dress-up party reminds me of dress up parties with my sister and cousins. I love it!

  63. I follow Family Volley via Reader.

  64. The "Read with me, green, brown hair" reminds me of when I was little :)

  65. The girl reading a book with the green background. Still love to read!

  66. "Tea Party" reminds me of myself as a little girl. I grew up with three brothers and had lots of tea parties with my teddy bear!

  67. I love the little girl on the "I Would Really Like To" notepad. Reaching for more!

  68. jaime mon papa is so very sweet!

  69. I ADORE the Read With Me print. I got one for my girls a while ago and finally got it up on the wall. I like it because I was such a book nerd as a child. Hope my girlies will be, too. ;)

  70. I love the paper dolls, brings back fabulous memories of being a young girl. I also love the "Love" cards, looks like the Velveteen Rabbit. Who doesn't love the Velveteen Rabbit?

  71. I love the paperdolls! I used to LOVE playing with paperdolls when I was growing up...

  72. Wow... super talented!!! I LOVE the snuggle me print!! So sweet!!!
    Love, JL

  73. "Dress-up party" is my childhood! I love it!!

  74. love the 'i love you, friend' piece. so beautiful!

  75. i follow sarah jane on twitter!


  76. I am following miss sarah jane on twitter :)
    Love, JL

  77. I Love August Sound and Little Artist. They remind me of my childhood!

  78. I am am follower of Sarah Jane! I collect Eloise Wilkin books and artwork and I may have a new favorite!!

  79. How can you pick just one I want them all! I like November's Friend if I had to narrow it down to one choice.

  80. Winter Cheer... cold winter days spent in the Wisconsin woods.

  81. It would definitely be April Showers...makes my heart hurt just a little bit even looking at it.

  82. Waiting. It has such a stillness that I remember from being a little kid, breathless with anticipation for the next thing to happen.

  83. What beautiful work! I love the Bike Reader and Family Trees ... and the Oh Happy Day parade design.

  84. There are so many that would be wonderful for my mom's reading room. The Just Stay Little prints and the Read with Me prints are adorable.

  85. I love her prints. We have "read with me" and "little artist" hanging in our family room. Read with me takes me back!

  86. "Snuggle Me" is super cute!!

  87. I love the 'read with me' print, because I always had my nose stuck in a book growing up!

  88. Love the animal prints - especially the elephants!

  89. I'm loving the 8 Everyday Cards and the Snow on Snow print!!

  90. so timeless and stunning! i really like the "waiting" print.

  91. This is one of my favorite shops! I love the "I love my sister" print. I have 2 sisters and I also have 2 daughters. Sisters are great!

  92. I love the "friends" print! My and my friend would spend hours and hours on the swings! so sweet!

  93. I love the "Storytime" print. My son looks just like that ready his books.

  94. I absolutely love the 'dinosaur print'...reminds me of my son and his love of everything that ROARS! :)

  95. Junes White Dandelion and July's dilemma. Both remind me of my childhood days.

  96. Oh, paper dolls.. I had SO much fun with paper dolls.

  97. I am struck by the READ WITH ME GREEN BROWN HAIR because that is the image of my little girl that is stuck in my head when I think of her childhood.....

  98. The artwork is beautiful! I loved them all! The one that brings immediate memories of childhood is the "Little Artist" as I have been drawing, etc. since a small child. The other print image is the one on "Surprise Kisses", "I Love You My Dear" and "I Am Yours" as I have a photo from my childhood in the 1940's of me visiting what must have been a children's zoo and I am playing with a little deer. I remember a first train ride and going all the way to Colorado (I lived in Minnesota at the time)and being motion sick - well you can see that has brought memories! :<)

    Barbara Diane

  99. "little artist, pink" is pretty much a true rendition of me as a little girl. I was always laying on the floor, propped up on my elbows, feet swinging behing me and a fresh box of crayola crayons at my side. believe it or not, I even had a squeaky little giraffe from my toddlerhood - I think they still make it, she's called "Sophie the Giraffe" and she was from France.

  100. All the the wagon pulling prints remind me of my wagon pulling days. Good times. Lovely prints.

  101. "Friends"...because there is nothing like a great childhood friend! And I have two daughters who have a beautiful friendship--and this print would be perfect in their room!!

  102. Goodnight Friend! What a beautiful print for a nursery!
    Oh please- I'd love this!!!!

  103. Junes White Dandelion takes me back to many summers long ago!

  104. Love the Hello Bird cardpack. so cute!

  105. I love the "Danse Avec Moi--Spring" reminds me of my Mother who loves to speak French every now and then!

  106. The two little girls on the swing titled "friends." Such a reminder of all those summer days spent with friends and the simple joys of childhood!

  107. "Family Tree" or "This much", I can't explain why they touched me the most, it just did.

  108. I love the " I love my Brother" print of dogs!

  109. I love the 3 bears revisited bowl prints (girl or boy, since I don't have kids yet)! They are so cute! I also like the I love my mom elephants.

  110. I follow family volley

  111. I love the monthly prints like April Showers, May Flowers, Judy's cute!

  112. I follow vintage pearl

  113. Her work is adorable! I love the "on parade birthday invitations"... takes me back to being a child when my birthday was about the "party" and not just a day that made me older! :)

  114. Lover her work! I love the Oh Happy Day print. too sweet.

  115. I love "read with me pink". As a child I would beg my mom to take me to the library and then would check out as many books as I could carry. I loved being outside and would bring my books, sit under our big tree and read during my quiet time.... such fond memories.

  116. Reading was my escape from life so naturally it would be "Read with me Pink. Brown Hair"

  117. There are a few that I like...Jaime Papa, Junes White Dandelion, Jaime ma maman...and many more

  118. the tea party postcards are so darling! who doesn't love a cup of tea with her best doll?

  119. I love all of the 'three bears revisited!" Super Cute!

  120. Definitely Read with Me in green.

  121. Love Sarah Jane! Her Just Stay Little print has always been my favorite.

  122. This much brings back some memories. My mother and I had a special saying for how much we loved each other, and she continued it with my kids. LOVE IT!

  123. I LOVE the Paper Dolls Printables & School Days...I remember gingerly punching out my paper dolls & their beautiful varieties of clothes for hours of pretend play. Ahhh...simpler days!

  124. Oh the rocket launch. What fun we had in the valley behind the houses... nearly blowing ourselves up every weekend.

  125. April Showers reminds me of my days as a little girl when I would stomp around in puddles in the rain

  126. i love her work. the april showers print makes me nostalgic for my childhood in seattle.

  127. Definitely the pink read with me print.

  128. I love the april showers and the dinosaur print (because I remember when I had to look up at everyone), I was very short.

  129. Summer tea parties. It reminds me of my family of six girls.
    Lovely prints.

  130. The Oh happy day print makes me want to play follow the leader!

  131. The paper dolls! My sisters and I used to play paper dolls for hours!

  132. I love the dinosaur or the giraffe print

  133. The tea party is sooo cute. May flowers is awesome as well... Very Talented! Love it....

  134. Junes White Dandelion makes me remember and yearn for summer.

  135. I love the May Flowers print!

  136. The paper dolls totally send me back to playtime with my cousin. We played with our paper dolls for hours.

  137. So adorable!!! I love them all. But paperdolls will always have a special place in my heart.

  138. I love the one with the boy in the blue shirt looking at the giraffe. cute!

  139. I used to love reading my brother's dinosaur book from the 1960's and the dinosaur card reminds me of it!

  140. I love the Addie and Ella print ... with the tea party. Perfect!

  141. I love the just stay little girl print.

  142. The new retro line is going to have me over the moon!
    I have always loved her boys at play print, very Dick and Jane fabulous feel to it :)

  143. Oooh, I love the personalized family tree!

  144. So hard to decide! I think I like the giraffe print best.

  145. Oh my goodness, I LOVE "April Showers"! Thanks for letting me enter.

  146. I LOVE the Three Bears Chairs print!(in the boy colors) I used to have an upholstry shop and dig all things with chairs. Thanks for the fun!

  147. I just LOVE the family trees!

    luvs, aby

  148. I love the June or July print. I love all of them.

  149. Freedom. Totally makes me nostalgic for my childhood days.

  150. Three little bears revisited - boys chairs. I love that. Maybe because I have two boys!

  151. "this much" reminds me of drawing on the walls as a child...

  152. The "I love my sister" pink bunny print!

  153. July's dilemma. Brings me back to my summer childhood days.

  154. i love the "this much" print.

  155. I love Freedom and This much. So precious!

  156. The Winter Cheer print is my favorite. It reminds me of my grandma's back yard! Oh how I wish they still lived there so my daughter could sled down the hill and get dangerously close to the trees before the drop off to the creek:)

  157. The three bears revisited--boy chairs

    so sweet!!!!

  158. I love Sarah's beautiful illustrations. I'm really looking forward to her retro line. I think I'd hold out for that :) Did all of the above follows!

  159. They are beautiful, love the Heart 'love you this much'

  160. illustrating childhood in such a beautiful way.

  161. What sweet art! I absolutely love it. I love the Giraffe Print - I remember that feeling of being so small.

  162. oh gracious. It's so, so hard to choose. Today I'm really love the "this much" post cards with the little girl drawing the heart. We used to play that game with my dad. Sigh.

    I may need to go buy some of those right, now.

  163. April Showers is adorable! Perfect addition to my daughter's room.

  164. rocket launch club. it is my boy and his friends.

  165. For an extra entry, I want you to know that I follow Family Volley! Thank you!


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